Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Justin Bieber

Well I had a big day yesterday.  As I'm sure you all know it was National Tooth Fairy Day! I was very busy visiting the schools, dental offices and of course doing a special Toothfairy Video Shoot. When it is all done and edited I'll link the Youtube site here.

My favorite visit yesterday was to a kindergarten class in Gilbert. I asked them if they knew it was my birthday... of course they all said yes.  Then I asked if they knew because they had heard it on the radio... they all said yes! I love these kids they tell me whatever I want to hear.  But then one young man simply announces... as if my day wasn't special at all... "Tomorrow is Justin Bieber's birthday!"  The kids went crazy.  So I would like to tell Justin Happy 17th Birthday today.  The kindergartners love you. 

In fact when I visited the kids today (K-2) I informed them it was Justin's birthday... the perfect ice breaker. They all seemed to already know.  The girls giggled the boys gagged. And when I was teaching them how to brush their teeth I told them I had a song to sing to help them remember how. One child shout out "Is it a Justin Bieber song?"  Justin Bieber 1 Toothfairy 0

I don't think I've ever even heard one of his songs.  But mark my words the Toothfairy is going to become acquainted with Mr. Bieber and learn his songs so that I can sing them to the children with a dental twist.

Visiting the Children

Another busy day today, visiting the children of Gilbert, AZ. Its a busy time of year for me since its Dental Health Month of course. All the schools book my schedule full of visits to see their students and remind them how important it is to brush their teeth. So we play review games, to see if they remember what I taught them last year, and we sing songs to help them remember what to do this year.  They ask silly questions and intelligent questions.  One second grader today asked Dr. Boyse... "How do teeth grow?" What a very good question.  He explained that your teeth grow much like a seed, starting out as a little bud when we are babies.  My favorite comment was from a first grader.  I told the children that Dr. Boyse and Dr. Snell said to let Mom and Dad help brush their teeth until they are at least in the third grade.  Well they didn't like that so much because they are big enough to do it themselves.  But I explained that Mom & Dad can see the sugar and lettuce and other food that they missed while brushing.  This still wasn't enough to convince one little boy to let his parents help.  He simply said..." Well I have blue stuff that goes on my teeth and I brush until all the blue is gone."  Well done Listerine with your Agent Cool Blue mouth rinse. (You can go to Listerine.com to get a $1 off coupon) I had no rebuttal for that but simply told him "Good job". Not only are the children getting smarter at a younger age, they are more demanding.  Remember when you were satisfied with a dime for your tooth? Now I leave toys, video games, and several dollar bills. Its a good thing Toothfairys have an endless fortune.